Guillermo Del Toro is a busy, busy man. Anyone who can turn down Star Wars because they’re too busy is the very definition of ‘flat to the matt’.
Well, it looks like he’s been talking about his take on the Justice League Dark movie adaptation he’s hoping to get off the ground – ironic since the actual Justice League movie is on its back again.
While out doing the press circuit for Mama, he got chatting about the project: “I am going to be presenting my storyline to DC and Warners of where I want to take this universe. We do have a writer, but until that is firmed up, I have to keep it a secret. I hope it happens. I grew up with Demon Etrigan, with Swamp Thing, with Deadman, so these are characters that are near and dear to my heart.”
“I’d love to use the origins that are proper to each character. I love the idea of Jason Blood as a paladin and a knight…. I love the entire Constantine mythology, the Dead Man mythology, the Alex Holland Swamp Thing mythology. These are really rich things to well, and to dig.”
This sounds like just the antidote to all the superheroics going on at the minute. Don’t get me wrong, we love us some superheroics, but this sounds like a cracking idea…
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