Dredd writer Alex Garland has been talking about the sequel to the much loved comic adaptation and, we’re very sorry to say, it’s not good news. At all.
“There isn’t, as far as I can tell, going to be a Dredd sequel,” said Garland.
“The basic mechanics of film financing say that if you make a film that loses a ton of money, you’re not going to get a sequel. And that’s basically what happened.
“And I understand and appreciate the support the film has had, and the campaigns that have existed for it, and it’s really genuinely gratifying — I love it in all respects except one, which is when I hear about people buying copies of the DVD in order to boost sales and to change the figures. And what I want to say to them is, “Don’t do that. Keep your money.” Because the people that are making the decisions are much colder and harder than that. And the graphs they’re looking at are not really going to be sufficiently dented by that.”
Is this the definitive hole in the Dredd 2 balloon?
What Garland says makes sense, but is the hopes and dreams – and support – of the fans really going to make a difference? We’d love to say yes, but we get the feeling it’s just not going to happen.
Though we are fine with being proved wrong.
Source: i09
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