While there seems to be many reasons to be worried about the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story, it seems we now have a good reason to be excited.
John Williams is back for it.
Well, sort of.
Williams revealed that he would be working on the theme for Han Solo himself in the movie: “The present plan is that I’m writing a theme for Han Solo, and John Powell is going to write the score, which he’ll do brilliantly.
So there you have it, Shrek composer John Powell will do the majority of the work while Williams does the work around the ritual hero.
It’s not much but it’s definitely something.
In related news, we learned that the dice from the Millennium Falcon that came to the fore in The Last Jedi would play a part in Solo (here), and thanks to Pablo Hidalgo xxxx, we may have an idea where they fit in.
Hidalgo posted and image from a classic Star Wars 1983 Marvel comic that featured the Falcon having dice… and hints that maybe it’s the dice that Han used in the game of Sabaac that won him the ship from Lando.
Will we see that in Solo? Well,it wouldn’t be the first time we speculated as much…
Star Wars #81, original Marvel Comics run, released December 1983. pic.twitter.com/EtI36xfA2e
— The Tweets of San Francisco: A QM Production (@pablohidalgo) January 1, 2018
Solo: A Star Wars Story arrives in cinemas on May 25th
Source: Variety
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