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Jon Favreau really wants to do a new Star Wars Holiday Special

September 30th, 2019 by Geralt of Australia Comments

So straight away I know what you’re all thinking…

When was the first Star Wars Holiday Special? Well, as it turns out it was one in 1978, it aired once on TV and then was never released to video (or maybe Betamax – ask your parents).

Either way, despite the amount of people who’ve seen this special first time around being incredibly small – even Mark Hamill himself has admitted he’s never seen it all the way through – it’s become quite the cult classic. So with that in mind, Jon Favreau desperately wants to make a new one.

With Favreau heading up The Mandalorian for Disney+, it should be no surprise that he wants to tackle the special, since I have no doubt that he’s most likely one of the two dozen to have seen the original in the first place. And if he didn’t see the original on TV then I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s seen a copy while he’s been at Skywalker Ranch.

So getting back on track now, Favreau was speaking with Entertainment Tonight following the Saturn Awards on the future of a Holiday Special: “I would love to do someday, maybe on Disney+, we’ll do a Holiday Special too. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? I gotta pitch that to them. We’ll see. If you wanna see a Holiday Special, let Disney+ know!”

Let’s not forget that the Holiday Special has a special connection to the Mandalorians as it was where Boba Felt made his (animated) debut:

So you’ve heard it straight from Favreau himself, if you want to see a second Star Wars Holiday Special in the future then start emailing Disney, let’s get this done!

Geralt of Australia, holder of the One Ring of Sauron, mechanic to the Millennium Falcon and council to the Avengers, has been diagnosed as a nerd since falling through the wardrobe and being crowned king in Narnia. While fighting Boggarts and watching Storm Troopers miss everything, he has made his way back into this world through the portal in 221B Baker Street just to bring you all the news and reviews of the games of this world.