Seen Ant-Man yet? Not bad, huh?
If you haven’t, be aware: here be ***SPOILERS***
Director Peyton Reed has teased a slightly different ending in an interview with CinemaBlend. At the end of the film, with Darren Cross/Yellowjacket seemingly shrinking into the quantum realm, former S.H.I.E.L.D. ‘head of defense’ and HYDRA facilitator Mitchell Carson makes good his escape with a vial of Cross’s version of the size-altering Pym Particles. Reed stated that there was supposed to be a short scene addressing this:
“At the end of the movie he gets away and has these Cross particles, and there was a sequence where Ant-Man has an encounter with him. But then for a couple reasons, it felt like maybe we should leave those particles out there. In that original thing, he took [Carson] out and got the particles.”
No word yet on when the joys of HYDRA getting its hands on Pym Particles will be addressed. It could be next year’s Captain America: Civil War; it could be Avengers: Infinity Wars (doubtful); or it could be a possible Ant-Man 2. Carson adapting the tech for himself isn’t outside the realms of possibility, given that his comics counterpart is a S.H.I.E.L.D.-trained killer with a shrinking suit of his own. Who knows? We’ll let you know when we do.
Source: Superhero Hype
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