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Tom Hiddleston says relax, he’s not leaving the MCU anytime soon…

April 8th, 2016 by Irwin Fletcher Comments


Looking at all of Marvel’s accomplishments with the MCU, has there been a better find or a better fit than Tom Hiddleston in the role of Loki? There’s a reason he’s the only major villain to outlast more than one movie (we’re not counting Thanos here, before you get picky).

You can see why some recent comments made by Hiddleston about Thor: Ragnarok being his last Marvel outing has had fans scratching their heads, but Loki himself has set that straight again.

In a recent interview with Hypable (via Squareeyed) he was asked about the comments, stating “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” Isn’t that the truth?

He continues – while trying to avoid giving out anything too spoiler-filled – “It’s very difficult to be precise and specific in ways that people would like me to be. I understand the enthusiasm and the curiosity in the complexity and the detail of the Marvel universe as it transpires in movies. But I’m careful to feed that curiosity because I worry that in spite of the enthusiasm it diminishes the movies.

“If you know everything going in I just don’t want to know that information so I’m very hesitant to put it out there. I don’t want to spoil it for anybody. I knew about two years before it happened that Clark Gregg was killed in The Avengers and if I had ever let that information out it would have completely ruined the experience of watching The Avengers. So to your point, I may or may not know how many times I’m going to play Loki again but I’m not going to tell you. I’m not trying to be difficult.”

Loki, ever the trickster.

“When it comes to my relationship with Marvel,” says Hiddleston, “whenever I have said something it usually becomes expanded and misshapen and it then has no bearing to what I originally said at all. I have a pretty good sense of what my future with Marvel is but I don’t think it’s worth telling anyone because it may change. They are very smart over there and like any creative process, they are free to change their minds. Throughout the Marvel universe Loki has changed from movie to movie. Sometimes he’s even changed in the middle of movies in ways you may not even know.”

So, as yet his appearance in Ragnarok goes unconfirmed. Will he make it to Infinity War, as MCU producer extraordinaire Kevin Feige has hinted? Only time will tell.

Thor: Ragnarok is released on the 3rd November 2017

I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.