After all the kerfuffle during this year’s SDCC about wether or not Ben Affleck was staying on as Batman/Bruce Wayne (here), we thought we were done.
But, nope.
In an interview with WEEI Sports, Boston, Affleck’s brother, Casey Affleck, was asked about Ben’s Batman and upcoming standalone adventure and his response was all going just great until he dropped a little bombshell at the end: “I thought he was an OK Batman,” Affleck said.
“No, I thought he was great. He was great. He’s a hero, so he had something to channel and work with there. But he’s not going to do that movie, I don’t think. Sorry to say.”
When one of the hosts respond that that’s breaking news, the actor laughs and adds: “Is that breaking news? Because I was just kind of making that up, I don’t know.”
It happens around the 6.20 mark in the video below.
We think that Casey was either joking or just making it up. Heck, he may even just be trolling his brother.
Who knows?
All we can figure is that we shouldn’t assume anything until The Batman is, at the very least, filming.
What do you all say?
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