WATCH: Oliver retro-reviews Somewhere In Time

April 20th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Welcome to Oliver Harper’s Retrospectives & Reviews. Like us all at FTN, Oliver LOVES cinema, and like us, he has passions that not everyone shares, but he feels obligated to put the word out. This week Oliver looks at Somewhere In Time… we’ll let him tell you the aims of these videos himself. Over to you, Oliver…

Every week FTN will be hosting videos looking back at classic films from the 80s and early 90s…

The videos will be a retrospective look back at a particular film covering all sides of the production and discussing how the film turned out. Many people on the net generally like to discuss films with a negative attitude and take joy in bashing films for comedic effect which does work but often many of the reviews aren’t researched well or films are taken out of context for the purpose of making a joke and I feel websites such as youtube have become over-saturated with these types of videos, I wanted to do something different.

“Often you come across films with no extras available on the DVD and you want to know more about it, so with some of the upcoming videos I will be discussing films that don’t get the respect they deserve or the ones that aren’t as bad as people think…”

Somewhere In Time

Just after the success of Superman, Christopher Reeve had some free time before he had to go back to shoot the sequel. He was offered the chance to star in Somewhere in Time. A romantic story about a play writer who falls in love with a photo of an actress from the early 1900s. He finds a way to travel back in time to meet her with an interesting concept in which you surround yourself with items from the past to trick the mind. The movie was based on the novel Bid Time Return by Richard Matherson who wrote many episodes of the Twilight Zone and I am Legend.

Somewhere in Time also stars the stupidly beautiful Jane Seymour. So you can see why Chris Reeve had to go back in time to meet her.

Somewhere in Time completely bombed as it was distributed on a wide release instead of a limited run like many art house features. The producer later realised his error and took the blame. The movie disappeared from theatres very quickly. It wasn’t until it was shown on Cable TV it became the cult classic it is today. What people most fondly remember about this film is the fantastic and often heartbreaking score by John Barry who wrote it just after the death of his parents.

Let’s take a trip back to Somewhere in Time and don’t forget to bring some tissues because it’s not my fault if you get a bit tearful 😉



I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.