Why we won’t being seeing Wasp in Captain America: Civil War PLUS awesome new clip from the movie

April 11th, 2016 by Irwin Fletcher Comments


One of the long-standing worries over Captain America: Civil War has been a case of just too many characters. Civil War will feature not only the titular Avenger and Iron Man facing off, there will also be the likes of Black Panther, Vision, The Winter Soldier, Spider-Man and so on to whet the fanboy appetite. However, you may be surprised to learnt that a draft of the Civil War script contained another superhero that was eventually cut; The Wasp.

Christopher Markus and Marcus McFeely, writers on the film, spoke to Collider (via Squareeyed) about why they decided to cut The Wasp out of the movie.

Markus said: “You know, almost everybody made it in. There was a period where we talked about bringing Wasp in. There was actually a draft Wasp was in because she was so almost on the edge of being in Ant-Man, but then you’re taking something awesome out of the Ant-Man team’s quiver if it’s like, “Well, we’re doing her!” Plus she had a similar skill set, so it’s like “Well, maybe we just isolate it to Scott.

McFeely added: “When you see the movie, you see that Scott is his own comic relief so it would change that a little bit. They would be this pair. Everybody else we would talk about them and then they’d go away, but we got most everybody back.”

While it would have been cool to see Wasp in Civil War, it’s difficult to argue with their reasoning behind ultimately excluding her. It makes much more sense for Wasp to get a proper big screen debut in Ant-Man and the Wasp, due to be released in 2018, rather than just make up the numbers in a bigger picture focusing on other superheroes.

What do you think? Should they have brought the Wasp into Civil War?

Check out the new clip from the movie featuring Captain America, Scarlett Witch and Falcon…

I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.