Superhero origin stories have been a part of TV and cinema for many years now. And yet, of all the origins out there, we never really learn about the true origins of a superhero.
Luke Evans, Rebecca Hall and Bella Heathcore are set to star in Professor Marston & The Wonder Woman a new indie film about the origin of the creation of Wonder Woman.
The film follows the true story of the creation of one of the most famous female comic book characters. Evans plays Dr William Marston, the Harvard Psychologist who created Wonder Woman in 1941. Hall is set to play Elizabeth, Marston’s wife and fellow psychologist, and Heathcore is set to play Olive Byrn, a former student of Marston.
The relationship between the three was a polyamorous and controversial one, and the three of them played an integral part in the creation of Wonder Woman and the feminist ideals of the character.
The film is also set to deal with this relationship and the homophobia that surrounded the comic.
Angela Robinson is directing the project, with Andrea Sperling, Amy Redford and Terry Leonard producing.
DC’s Wonder Woman film is set for release in June of 2017 and we have some new details on it too…
President of DC Entertainment, Diane Nelson, has been chatting about Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins and star, Gal Gadotand she has been gushing: “It’s a testament to Zack Snyder’s casting ability. I think Gal was someone who embodied the role so beautifully, and we saw lots of evidence on how audiences responded when she came onscreen for the first time…she and Ben Affleck really stood out as two amazing parts of [Batman v Superman], and the real life Gal has many of the traits that Wonder Woman does. She is athletic and strong, and she has a great deal of integrity. She’s a mother, she’s a wife. She cares very much about this role, and so we got very lucky to have her.
“Patty had a true vision that the character meant something to her. It was very clear from early on that she understood the core attributes of Wonder Woman, that she wanted to tell this story, and that she wanted to tell an arc…we’re going to see Wonder Woman and Diana Prince’s journey as she leaves Paradise Island, Themyscira, and learns all about a world that she has only heard about growing up….the feel of the movie is hopeful and aspirational, and the action is kickass.”
On top of that, we can confirm that, sadly, the star of the 80s Wonder Woman TV Linda Carter, who is appearing in Supergirl season 2, will not be appearing in the Wonder Woman movie…
“I’ve spoken to [director] Patty Jenkins. She talked to me on the phone about the character, and we were trying to see if I could do something with the movie, but it didn’t work out. The timing was off, and I was doing other things and couldn’t get over to where they were shooting.”
But what about a sequel if it happens?: “I might [do it], but at this point in my life, I pretty much do new parts in things. There’s someone else doing the role now, and that’s OK. They should do it. I support Gal wholeheartedly, and I wish her and Patty all the success in the world.”
It’s Ok Linda, we love you, but we on’t think they wanted you to play Diana again…
Gadot herself has been speaking about the character and what she will be in the movie: “For her it was very important to not just portray her as a goddess, but to tell a very simple story of someone who believes in good and believes that people should be happy and lead safe, happy lives. We cared a lot about simplifying Wonder Woman’s agenda, because it is simple. It was her heart that we cared about, not her being this warrior. When you tell a story from the heart, all of us can relate, because all of us want to live in a safe, quiet, and peaceful world… She knew exactly how she wanted to tell her story. She knew exactly what she wanted to get. She’s brilliant and smart and so passionate.”
And what about the recent story that the character in the comic is gay?: “It’s not something we’ve explored. It never came to the table, but when you talk theoretically about all the women on Themyscira and how many years she was there, then what he said makes sense. In this movie she does not experience any bisexual relationships. But it’s not about that. She’s a woman who loves people for who they are. She can be bisexual. She loves people for their hearts.”
And finally, Chris Pine will play love interest Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman during world War I and we’ve been hearing he may have a duel role as Steve Trevor’s grandson later on, however, Pine has put a firm “no” to that rumour.
As for the role itself, he said: “It was fun to fall in love with Gal Gadot. It was fun to do some comedy. It was fun to do some action. The part kind of asked for a little bit of all of it, so it was a good time.
“I think what’s really fun and exciting about it … different about it, actually, is that there’s a nice love story at the center of an action film, and I don’t think you see that often in these kinds of films.”
Well, we can certainly empathise with the falling in love with Gal Gadot part…
Sources: Variety, Variety and Huffington Post
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