Posts Tagged ‘harrison ford’

Indiana Jones 5 will be a direct sequel to Crystal Skull and Harrison Ford will NOT be recast…

April 12th, 2016 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Are you concerned?

Harrison Ford talks Han Solo, coming back to Indiana Jones and has advice for actors looking to play the young version of Han Solo

March 22nd, 2016 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Could you imagine playing this character?!

Harrison ford talks about his role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

March 18th, 2016 by Marc Comments

Everthing comes full circle

It’s official Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg are bringing Indiana Jones back in 2019!

March 15th, 2016 by Marc Comments

It’s official Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg are bringing Indiana Jones back in 2019! Oh yes! Indy is coming back and he’s bringing the team with him!

Blade Runner 2 gets release date

February 19th, 2016 by Dave Bowling Comments

All those moments will be lost in time. Or not.

Will the Han Solo, em, solo movie, feature his brother?

February 15th, 2016 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Well, he did have one in the EU…

Top Gear’s The Stig just revealed he’s a big Star Wars nerd…

February 11th, 2016 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Chewie… we’re home

Harrison Ford to host TV Special on Disneyland – news of Star Wars Parks expected

January 28th, 2016 by Marc Comments

What little we know already has us excited…

Blade Runner sequel has stars, director, writer and no a start date…

January 27th, 2016 by Marc Comments

Replicants are like any other machine – they’re either a benefit or a hazard. If they’re a benefit, it’s not my problem.

Disney’s Bob Iger just confirmed Indiana Jones 5 “is coming”

December 31st, 2015 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

We hope this means Harrison Ford will be returning…

Harrison Ford rocked our world in Star Wars: The Force Awakens but he did not come cheap!

December 21st, 2015 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Was he worth this? You can decide…

WATCH: Harrison Ford has a message for anyone trying to spoil Star Wars: The Force Awakens for fans

December 19th, 2015 by Marc Comments

If Harrison Ford say stop, you stop, dammit!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens new round-up – Posters! News! Videos! Leia speaks! Several people have seen the movie! Poe Dameron gets a poster at last!

December 8th, 2015 by Marc Comments

Seriously, there’s so much Star Wars in here you may need to sit down and have a brew to get through it all…

Harrison Ford gets all sentimental on returning to The Millennium Falcon

November 26th, 2015 by Marc Comments

“It was as warm as fuzzy as you might imagine.”

“There’s a lot of the rogue still left… some things don’t change.” Harrison Ford talks Han Solo…

November 11th, 2015 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Oh and yeah, he really wants to play Indy again!

WATCH: “You will not be disappointed in ANY way,” Harrison Ford talks The Force Awakens, George Lucas and more

October 31st, 2015 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Plus, we love the new IMAX exclusive poster for the movie…

Spielberg flippantly says he’s going to make Indiana Jones 5 with Harrison Ford next…

October 13th, 2015 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Because, you know, it’ll kill some time…

Ridley Scott has confirmed Ryan Gosling for Blade Runner 2, talked about ‘Replicant’ Deckard and hinted at MORE sequels

September 30th, 2015 by Marc Comments

‘this is the best script I’ve ever had’

Blade Runner sequel signs up Prisoners cinematographer Roger Deakins

May 21st, 2015 by Marc Comments

Please don’t suck… please don’t suck… please don’t suck…

Ryan Gosling set for Blade Runner sequel?

April 16th, 2015 by Marc Comments

More human than human is our moto…