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Ghost Rider TV series cancelled… is Feige bringing all Marvel TV shows home?

October 7th, 2019 by Geralt of Australia Comments

Over the last few years a lot has been going on with Marvel TV, whether it’s a new season of Agents of SHIELD or the controversial canceling of Daredevil and the rest of Defenders, Marvel is always in the news in one form or another.

This week, among the fog of news about Spider-Man coming back to Disney came the news that Hulu have canceled their Ghost Rider series.

The Ghost Rider series was meant to continue with the character used in the Agents of SHIELD series and subsequently would be brought in as a main character in the MCU, however with recent news we’ve learnt that Kevin Feige wants to bring everyone in together as a whole and in doing so I think we can expect any shows currently in production by non-Disney producers are all soon to be wrapped up… or canceled.

Feige has addressed that he wants the Ghost Rider to join in the MCU at some point, although we currently don’t know at what capacity or what shows, so could he still get his own show with the likes of Falcon and the Winter Soldier or could be possibly be brought in the next Doctor Strange movie as we’ve already seen time travel with SHIELD and the next Doctor Strange movie having to do with the multiverse?

So far the several shows all currently in the works are reported to be in the range of six to eight episodes for the first season with a budget of $100-$150 million per season compared to Netflix 13 episodes for $200 million so we should get more for the money.

With Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four, X-Men and a whole range of other characters coming into the next few phases it’s clear there’s something big along the way and we’ll bring you all the news as it happens. Until that happens stay nerdy people.

Source: Variety

Geralt of Australia, holder of the One Ring of Sauron, mechanic to the Millennium Falcon and council to the Avengers, has been diagnosed as a nerd since falling through the wardrobe and being crowned king in Narnia. While fighting Boggarts and watching Storm Troopers miss everything, he has made his way back into this world through the portal in 221B Baker Street just to bring you all the news and reviews of the games of this world.