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TV REVIEWS: FTN Reviews Arrow Season 05 Episode 15: Fighting Fire With Fire

March 2nd, 2017 by Todd Black Comments

Ok…does everyone need a minute like me? No? Ok… Anyway, “Fighting Fire With Fire” really shocked me by not only the sudden reveal of Prometheus, but other twists and turns it took along the way.

Let’s get right into it, Adrian Chase is Prometheus, not Vigilante…as many predicted…but Prometheus. The Arrow team deliberately went against the comic book lore to deliver one heck of a twist. Now, I’ve already heard some complaints about how “weak” this is, but I think they’re missing the point here. This is about one mans crusade to DESTROY Oliver Queen and the Arrow in one fell swoop, how perfect is it that he’s doing it…as Oliver’s right hand man?!!?!?

I mean seriously. This is the guy who helped get Diggle out of jail, who helped Oliver out of many jams, and even represented him in his impeachment trial. He was a true ally…or so we thought. I really liked how his confrontation with Dinah really lent to the notion that he was Vigilante, as he was collecting the mask part to ensure he didn’t get caught. Nope! He was doing that to both find Vigilante himself, and then ensure that the focus was on Vigilante even more instead of him. Brilliant.

Oh, and that fight scene between Prometheus and Vigilante? BRILLIANT!!! Not only a fun thing to watch, but it was a matchup I would never have dreamed we’d see. And props to Vigilante to hold his own against Prometheus, and survive his attack…and getting thrown off a building.

Which brings me to….who is Vigilante? If it’s not Chase, then who? Is it a new character? Is it someone we know? Hard to say, but he’s still out there…

I liked that a lot of the episode was focused on Oliver’s impeachment, and how the team was going to get him out of it. The topic of politics was ripe here, as numerous “political” moves were thrown around. From Chase “willfully” offering to resign (he knew Oliver wouldn’t let him). To Thea offering to both throw Officer Malone under the bus, and then blackmail a councilman into making sure he voted their way, it was pretty dark. But leave it to Oliver to correct ship, and do what he needed to save the office. I REALLY liked that he said, “If we lose this office, Prometheus wins”. Because while that is true, it shows how much Oliver has come to enjoy being the mayor of Star City, and helping its people above ground.

So, now Arrow is public enemy No.1 again. Prometheus is winning…again!!!!

Moving to the other characters, we got a lot of great character developments here. Curtis is finally well and truly becoming Mr. Terrific in the form of his T-Sphere’s now FINALLY arriving in full force, and in an epic way. Yes, the “divorce” was visible a mile away, but, who cares…T-Spheres!!!! Felicity also had some great moments (it happens!), as she was called out for her hacktivist side returning. But in a fun twist, instead of backing out (though she did fix things in regards to Susan), she doubled down, and is now in deep with Helix.

Then there’s Thea. I’m very 50-50 on this one. Because I loved that she continued to play politics to try and sae Ollie, but then that resignation was a bit quick. Her saying that she was “broken” really didn’t resonate because she truely felt both times (this week and last week) that she was doing her best to save Ollie. Yes, he called her out on it, but if anything, it should’ve given her the strength to do better, not quit.

The flashbacks had a fun twist as well, as the rift in the Bratva was exposed, and now there’s a civil war that’ll likely pay dividends, as long as it doesn’t drag out.

In the end, “Fighting Fire With Fire” was the episode many have been waiting for, and in my opinion? It paid dividends. Sadly, we have to wait two weeks to find out what happens with Susan and Prometheus…oh boy….

4.5 out of 5 nerds

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians ( He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!