The word “Crisis” means a lot for DC Comics fans, as some of the biggest things in DC Comics history have happened during Crisis events. So, with the CW/DCTV universe coming together once again (or at least most of it, sorry Gotham!), and openly using the Crisis moniker, we’re hoping for something big. And for the most part, “Crisis On Earth-X” delivers.
Immediately,one of the things that sets this event above “Invasion” is the fact that not only is Supergirl more involved, but the episodes are being put in 2-hour blocks. You might not think this a big thing, but it’s really helpful, and it limits the whole “previous on…” thing. The other thing that works in this 2-part opener is that the characters get to shine in impressive ways.
For real, outside of an opening fight scene and the last ten minutes, the first episode didn’t have much action. And you’d think that would be a bad thing, but in fact, it worked beautifully. As we got to see everyone coming together for the wedding of the year with Barry and Iris. Seeing how everyone suddenly remembered to RSVP was hilarious, as they all seemed to have different reactions to being asked about it.
Then, once they were all together in civilian form, it really added to the fact that (most of them anyway) these are all friends. They’ve done great things together, and they deserve a small respite from the madness. Scenes like Joe’s toast to Barry and Iris, Stein having a heartfelt conversation with Caitlin about Ronnie, and Barry giving love advice to Oliver, this was all great stuff.
But of course, once the Nazi’s showed up, everything went to heck.
Again, it’s the little details that make this crossover work, including having characters like Jax and Felicity (and Stein of course, but to a lesser extent here for some reason) be visibly ill at the sight of Nazi’s barging in out of nowhere. That really rang true. As did the idea of this being an anachronism (as that’s the current Legends storyline) before finding out about Earth-X. And yes, before you ask, Earth-X IS an actual Earth in the DC Comics Multiverse. And in fact, it’s been shown off in recently DC events including Convergence and Multiversity.
Moving on, once Overgirl, Dark Archer and Reverse Flash appeared, things really got interesting. From the fact that the X versions of Kara and Ollie are married (“Gross! No offense.”) to the finding out that our Earth’s Eobard Thawne is still alive (somehow…) and is the catalyst behind this whole thing, it added a new level of evil to it all. And yet, you can see that though they are all Nazi’s, they do have some interesting and very human qualities to them.
Dark Archer loves Overgirl, and would do anything for her. Then, when the Earth-X version of Prometheus appeared…and turned out to be TOMMY MERLYN!!!!!!!!…..!!!!!! And said Tommy killed himself, Earth-X Ollie was visibly heartbroken over losing his best friend.
It’s the character moments that really rang out. Including the hilarious and epic one-night-stand of Alex and Sara. Which was awesome for fans, but then Alex felt horrible because that’s not who she is. I’m not watching Supergirl, but I know she had a terrible breakup with Maggie, so her feelings make sense.
I have to make note of the action in this crossover so far. It’s been pretty epic, including a super cool montage of all the main heroes suiting up. And then, when you think all the heroes have had their time to shine, another set shows up to add to the action!
Now, that’s not to say this crossover hasn’t had issues, far from it, it has. One of the biggest things being the not noticing of convenient things that were oh-so-obvious. Like when Supergirl clashed with Overgirl and didn’t realize that she was Kryptonian. Or, when Oliver fought the Earth-X Prometheus, and didn’t call it out that he was Prometheus, despite him being the villain of last season!
Also, while many character moments worked. Others…didn’t. Like Jax being angry with Stein for leaving because he feels he’s losing a second father…even though he can contact him anytime via that communciations device Stein had.
Also, some characters are either missing or convenient absent for much of this crossover. Cisco gets knocked out (and still isn’t awake), Wally is told to protect Joe and Cecil, and the other half of the Legends are in the stone age. Yes, we know they’ll all reappear, but some of the missing links are a bit noticeable. Mainly, Ray, who had a teamup with the Flash in Season 02 of the show and has been friends with Oliver and Felicity for a while, why would he (over Rory…) not be at the wedding?
Oh, and the Olicity thing? Yeah…no…
Finally, while I appreciate how “big” they’re going for this, some of the CGI has been very noticeable, and not in the good way.
Again though, “Crisis On Earth-X” is shaping up quite nicely, and I look forward to what the back half of this event does.
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