Filming has begun on this years Doctor Who christmas special, but co-star Jenna Coleman is still refusing to confirm whether or not she will be returning for series 9.
According to DoctorWho.Tv, filming on the Christmas special is now taking place but Jenna Coleman is refusing to confirm any involvement beyond Series 8. She told the Radio Times the reason why is that it would spoil a surprise coming up.
She recently told the Radiotimes this was due to a major surprise on the way which would spoil the story. “There’s lots of rumours. We’ve sat down with [showrunner] Steven Moffat and we’ve all decided we don’t want anyone to know which way it’s going,” she said, adding “If you know I’m in the next series – or if you know I’m off – you’ll know how the story ends. There’s a surprise we’ve got coming, it’s much better that nobody knows which way it’s going to go – so that’s where we’re trying to keep it at the moment.”
So here we go again… more Moffat misdirection or genuinely talking up a huge plot twist? Either way it can spell only one thing for Whovians everywhere – disappointment.
Doctor Who series 8 continues this Saturday on BBC 1.
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