Beyond: Two Souls is shaping up to be one of the hottest games around if early word and footage is anything to go by.
Beyond is a taut psychological thriller that aims to push even further the lines between movie-making and gaming engineering. Once again, as is the norm with modern games, the story is completely immersive and features strong performances from Ellen Page who plays Jodie Holmes, a young woman with strong supernatural abilities who is helped by Willem DaFoe as Nathan Dawkins, a scientist who may or may not be on the side of the angels.
The relationship is pivotal for the movie and brings out stunning performances from two of the best actors in Hollywood – and games – today. The story itself takes place over a massive 15 years as Jodie travels the world and has adventures and encounters along the way.
The adventure will be shaped by your every decision, powered by new technology from Quantic Dream that will set the PS3 exclusive game ahead of the competition.
Special Edition Features:
Premium steel book
Exclusive extra game scene
Game soundtrack
Dynamic themes
Avatar pack
Making Of Featurettes
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