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COMIC REVIEW: FTN reviews Infinity #1

August 15th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Written by: Johnathan Hickman

Penciler: Jim Cheung

Colorist: Justin Ponsor

Published by: Marvel Comics

Lets make one thing clear from the beginning. When I heard Marvel was doing ANOTHER major event, and on the heels of the Age of Ultron no less, I wasn’t remotely excited for it. As the weeks counted down towards Infinity, I started changing my tone. My favorite Marvel books were doing prelude issues, and after reading the last Guardians and the last New Avengers, I was sucked in. (Damn you Mr. Hickman! Haha only kidding!)

For those of you who don’t know, Marvel worlds are collapsing on each other. (An issue that the New Avengers have been dealing with!) To make things worse, opposing factions are on the brink of war, oh and let’s not forget, Thanos is coming!

If I had to pick one writer in comics to do a huge event with a gigantic scope and a multi layered story, it would be Jonathan Hickman. The man is truly a genius at building big stories, and that definitely shows in issue #1. (And with a $5 price tag it had better!) This book is HUGE! Mr. Hickman uses every page to its fullest, and fair warning; this book is very lofty and has a ton of information. If you haven’t read the preludes and don’t really know what’s happening, go back and pick up a couple of issues!

I’ve been really impressed with the art in Marvel books lately, though it seems like for these big sci-fi stories like Infinity, Guardians, or even Hunger, they’ve almost adopted an in-house style like DC has done for pretty much their entire continuity. It’s definitely not a bad thing though, because this book is beautiful. We’re blessed in comics to be seeing some of the art that’s being put out, and I’d put this book against some of the best stuff being put out. The colors are bright, they completely change color palettes for different sequences (and totally nail it), and one of the most important things in a heavy book like this: the facial expressions convey the magnitude of what’s transpiring.

Jonathan Hickman is one of my top 3 favorite writers in all of comics. He’s the man that should be doing the big events like this, and I can’t wait to see where Infinity is going. I really hope that this series keeps my interest, (I stopped reading AoU after a few issues) because I think Hickman and team are going to give us something really special! Pick it up!

4 out of 5 nerds


I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.