The long-discussed crossover movie between 21 Jump Street and Men in Black is unlikely to happen.
That is according to Jonah Hill who told the Toronto Sun that a lot of factors, mainly to do with Men in Black, meant it was now a non-starter.
“I had the idea, but I doubt that movie will ever get made,” he said. “They’re trying to make all the deals, but it’s kind of impossible with all the Men in Black stuff. The Jump Street films were so fun to make and the whole joke of them was they were making fun of remakes and sequels and reboots and then now it’s become a giant sequel, reboot.
“It’s almost become what we were making fun of and it’s hard to maintain that joke when it’s so high stakes.”
As for a 23 Jump Street, Hill said he’d loved to work with Channing Tatum, and directors Phi Lord and Chris Miller again but it could be a while given their busy schedules.
Source: Toronto Sun
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