So according to Jedi News, J.J. Abrams will start shooting Star Wars: Episode VII next month!
They also reveal that the movie is currently working under the pseudonym Foodles Productions Ltd, which was registered by Disney on March 26th, 2013.
The site also claims “that the film has been in pre-production at Pinewood Studios for three and a half months in advance of an August 2013 shooting date. We hear they have block booked the studios for 10 years and that construction of offices and facilities on-site is underway. Also storage space is being located in the local area”.
Initially we had heard it was to start shooting early next year. I wonder if this means that the script we posted a while back was really for Episode VII?
If this news is the real deal then it’s safe to assume that they are very, very close to locking down the lead actors for the film, recently rumoured to include Zac Efron and Ryan Gosling, both of whom are products of Disney.
Let’s hope that Disney will be making some official announcements about this movie at D23.
Source: Jedi News
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