Marvel’s April wedding revealed!

January 2nd, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Blood-spattered invitations to a wedding featuring puzzle pieces with various members of the Marvel Universe have been making the rounds amongst the comics press over the last week. The teases seem to have worked as it’s all everyone was talking about. Well now we know who it is because we have the final piece of the puzzle and the mystery groom is none other than…DEADPOOL.


Deadpool writer Gerry Duggan spoke with Nerdist about the biggest wedding of 2014.

When asked if it was a stunt and how long was it in the works:

The honest answer is that it was written into a Deadpool story, but more or less as a gag, and Jordan D. White, the editor, was like a dog with a bone. He was like, “No, no, no – this is going to be a big deal.” You know, we wrote it, so it’s not like we weren’t behind it. The fun thing has been – after his misadventures, I guess you’d call them, in North Korea, in the story arc “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” he learned a lot about himself and why he is the way he is. He doesn’t really have too much of a life. Yes, this is a knee-jerk reaction from a wounded guy to go out there and sort of do something crazy to sort of jump start a life, but there is a real emotional reason for doing it, so I think that will be the part that will resonate. Then the actual gags of the wedding will be fun too, but there is a real grounding to it, and that’s what will make it fun to explore.

As for how long she’ll be around, I’m not 100% sure, because when you get close to Deadpool, that’s maybe when I start to think about adding you in my deadpool.”

 When asked about the continuity:

“It is one timeline, although there’s some things that happen (in) parallel, but a lot of it is more or less handing off, and then handing back. You can read each without reading the other. The editors are really good about helping us craft a story that will do that. We don’t want to make anyone go do it, but you’ll get a richer picture of our Deadpool run for having read the Infinite comic.”

Talking about the wedding image:

“You know, our regular inventory artist Scott Koblish, he had an idea for the cover that was a little bit of a riff on the Mary Jane and Peter cover from ’86. The wedding happened at Shea Stadium, it really did happen before a game. They had actors down there and Stan Lee, I think. He had this idea – he can do any sort of style – and just landed on this classic Marvel style and just went to town. Once he got the okay for a double-page, front-and-back cover, he just lost his mind and started drawing. He sent thumbnails to us and we just fell out of our chair. Like, are all these circles really gonna be faces? The pre-sketch was just sort of intimidating, and we said, “All right, have fun.” He did – I think there’s 245 characters on there. You really only see 244, but I believe for some reason the Living Planet is there. I think that’s the ground they’re standing on. You won’t necessarily see that many at the wedding, but the illustration is meant to be a celebration of the day.

We showed Jordie Bellaire, our regular colorist, the cover and she was like, “Oh, my God, that’s amazing!” She’s on there — the whole Deadpool crew is sort of hidden away on there. The e-mail that she sent out about twelve seconds later was, “I don’t have to color this, do I?”

Deadpool #27 will be at your local comic book shop with bells on this April.

Who do you think Deadpool is going to marry?

Source: Nerdist

I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.