Ok, this is strictly a rumor, but if certain things hold true, we could be looking at a VERY different Avengers team come Avengers 3.
That’s not saying that a bunch of characters are going to be killed off in Age of Ultron, but more of a contractual thing that could affect future movies.
Badassdigest.com suggests that Marvel is going to “milk” the contracts of head Avengers Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and possibly more to ensure they’re in at least one more Avengers movie, but not in Avengers 3.
The rumor continues that Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) would still be in the Avengers for the third installment, but he would lead the team, which would be comprised of all new members. THEN, when Avengers 4 comes out, the old guard would unite one more time.
Again, this is just a rumor, but it is an intriguing one. Especially since in the comics the Avengers are a group that constantly swaps members in and out. Just at the moment there are at least 4 Avengers teams. So why not have a shakeup?
What do you think about this? And who do YOU want on the team if this is true? Let us know!
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