This could be just the Star Wars news a lot of us have been waiting for.
So we all know that after The Last Jedi the Star Wars fandom was on shakey ground and, in my opinion, no movie suffered more for this than Solo: A Star Wars story. While many fans were expressing their unhappiness with the movies (and yes, some were pretty dick-ish about it) and while they were certain people at Lucasfilm/Disney, rather than trying to sort it out, decided to respond with insults (manbabies comes to mind) and attacks.
Meanwhile, many fans decided to, as they say, vote with their wallets and, as a result, Solo became the first Star Wars misfire, and became a flop at the box office.
Which is really a shame because many of us found it to be a fun, throwback to the adventure stories that Lucas loved when he created the franchise. Was it perfect? Nope. But it was a good time and, for the most part, was a love letter to the saga before The Last Jedi. And it found its audience at cinemas – small as it was – and on home release and even though after its release and failure Bob Iger announced there would be no more standalone stories, the movie setup many ideas and characters that the fans want to see continued and resolved.
And there’s been whispers of another movie, a Disney+series, an animated show, but nothing concrete so far.
But it seems that the movie’s star, Han Solo himself, Alden Ehrenreich has heard rumours too… and we’re sure he’s hearing them from more reliable sources than we have.
In a new interview with Esquire magazine the star talks about the role, returning to it and the fact that, yes, something may be in talks.
“I think our movie was kind of the last of the conventional-era Star Wars movie release time,” he said.
On returning, he said: “It depends on what it is. It depends on how it’s done. It depends if it feels innate to the story.”
Then tantalisingly, he added: “I’ve heard soooome stuff… but nothing concrete.”
Whatever happens, there are threads set up in Solo: A Star Wars Story that need resolved… Emilia Clarke’s Qi’ra’s relationship with her new boss, Darth Maul, being the big one.
I fully believe we will see more Solo at some point in the near future… I wouldn’t rule it out as being during the Obi-Wan Kenobi series or even in an animated series, but I would love for Han to get is own series – or one that could tell his story – and wrap everything up because Star Wars has too many unfinished stories at the minute (yes, I’m still bitter about The Force Unleashed game!) and I don’t want one this big to add to the collection.
What say you all? Would you like to see more of Ehrenreich’s Han back on screen, big or small? Or at the least have the Qi’ra/Maul tale resolved somehow?
Let me know all your thoughts…
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