We’ve known for a while now that the solo Ben Affleck Batman movie was coming and it would really delve into the character’s mythology and history.
We speculated (here) that this may well see the movie being an adaptation of Hush or (our preference) The Long Halloween as it promises to showcase a lot of the Dark Knight’s rogues gallery.
Now Ben Affleck himself, who’s writing (directing and starring in) the movie has talked about where the story will come from: “I think what I would do, what I probably would do, is in some ways what Zack did with this movie, which is to borrow certain things from the great comic books, but create an original story around it because I wouldn’t want the fans to already know the story and be familiar, but I would borrow, steal, great things that have been done before in the comics.”
We’re not sure what this means exactly as we have no real issue with adapting certain stories for the big screen, but we’re ok for Affleck to build a story from the ground up too.
Whatever happens, we know we’ll be front of the queue to see it…. whenever it comes out.
Source: Cosmicbooknews
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