Right, so this is a mind-boggling story in some ways… so let’s just jump in.
With Jurassic World currently destroying everything at the box office, Steven Spielberg has never been in a more powerful position. As director of the first two Jurassic movies and producer this time out, he’s on top of the world.
However, his further movie, The BFG, due next year, is apparently his last to be distributed by Disney for his Dreamworks company.
And it seems that he’s thinking of heading to Universal after he leaves the house of mouse: ” Spielberg, 68, who was a hands-on executive producer on Universal’s Jurassic World, is essential to future dinosaur movies (the next already is dated for June 2018) as well as associated theme-park attractions. Sources say Spielberg commanded his rich director’s fee for Jurassic World — a percentage of profit worth tens of millions of dollars — from which he then paid helmer Colin Trevorrow. He also is key on potential reboots of other Universal franchises such as Jaws and Back to the Future.”
Woah, hold on, Jaws and Back To The Future?!
Now, while this is far from a done deal, the inclusion of these titles concerns us considerably as, at some point, they must have come up in conversation since THR are putting them in this report… could Spielberg really be considering a reboot of two of cinema’s greatest stories/movies/franchises if/when he takes Dreamworks to their original home?
Well, we wouldn’t rule anything out – the director has said several times that he has an idea swimming (sorry) around in his head for a Jaws sequel, so it’s possible.
And perhaps after the success of Jurassic World, he is thinking about the next step. But we really hope there’s nothing to this and, if there is, the BTTF future movie better be a sequel because, frankly, after Ghostbusters, Robocop, Point Break and Big Trouble in Little China, we don’t think we can face another reboot of something we love so dearly…
Let us know your thoughts, guys…
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