Shane Black has an awesome name for the hero of The Predator PLUS he talks ‘old Arnie’

May 21st, 2016 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

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Shane Black has been teasing us with interesting tidbits about The Predator recently, as the director embarks full-swing on his press tour for The Nice Guys, the buddy cop comedy starring Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe.

Speaking to Empire via Squareeyed, Black spoke briefly about his upcoming Predator project, saying it is an “inventive sequel.”

“It’s an attempt to ‘event-ise’ the Predator again,” Black continued. “[An attempt to] make it more mysterious. The Predator has been so overdone. Every couple of years, there’s a knock-off churned out. Very low budget with a guaranteed return.”

Black revealed that he hopes to land the same cinematic punch as Steven Spielberg’s seminal sci-fi Close Encounters of a Third Kind when it is released in 2018.

“It doesn’t have to be 50 Predators riding motorcycles. It just has to feel like a powerful story that has a lot of flavours and textures,” he said.

Most interestingly, Black revealed the lead character’s name: “The hero of the film, the name I’ve given the guy, is Quinn McKenna.” We love it. It’s the typical 80s-style action leading hero.

Black also recently revealed that if Arnold Schwarzenegger returns, he would be ‘old Arnold.’

“These things all happened in 1990. But now it’s 25 years later. So in other words, if Arnold [Schwarzenegger]’s in it – which I’m not allowed to discuss [laughs] – he would be old Arnold.”

Em, we’re ok with old Arnie, Shane… honestly we are.

I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.