Star Wars timeline gets major overhaul

August 8th, 2014 by Marc Comments

Star Wars has spanned so many movies, TV shows, books, comics and games that sooner or later it would all have to have a timeline. And it’s had one now for quite a while that worked pretty well.

Taking Star Wars: Episode VII as year 0, the calendar worked around the basis that everything else happened before or after the main battle in that movie – the battle of Yavin. So, by that rationale, The  prequels took place BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) where as Empire and Jedi took place ABY (After Battle of Yavin). It then went into more detail ie Darth Maul was born 54BBY – essentially 54 years before the first Star Wars movie or the events therein. Got it? Good.

Now, forget it all.


Ok, so Leland Chee –  the keeper of the Holocron himself, tweeted this during the week:

Which is essentially saying that from now on Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is year 0.


Episode           Year
Ep1 –                 0
Ep2 –                10
Clone Wars – 10-13
Ep3 –                 13
Ep 4:                  27
Rebels:             32
Ep 5:                  35
Ep 6:                  36

So that means from now on it all starts from Episode I, which makes sense chronologically but for the real fans, it’s a major rethink of the time line and marked evens.

To make things weirder, the guys at Star Wars Underworld have thrown this into the mix too: “It’s also worth noting that the Star Wars Rebels Visual Guide detailed that the planet Lothal, which will be a principal location in the series, has its own calendar. The Invasion of Naboo is at 3245 LY(Lothal Year), the Battle of Geonosis at 3255 LY, and so on. It appears even individual planets will have their own calendars now.”

What?! Aghhhhhhhhhhh!

And finally, just to really screw with your heads, Chee later tweeted the below Tweet:

SO, the BBY/ABY timeline still stands too?

The Force can be hard going… sometimes.

Marc is a self-confessed nerd. Ever since seeing Star Wars for the first time around 1979 he’s been an unapologetic fan of the Wars and still believes, with Clone Wars and now Underworld, we are yet to see the best Star Wars. He’s a dad of two who now doesn’t have the time (or money) to collect the amount of toys, comics, movies and books he once did, much to the relief of his long-suffering wife. In the real world he’s a graphic designer. He started Following the Nerd because he was tired of searching a million sites every day for all the best news that he loves and decided to create one place where you can go to get the whole lot. Secretly he longs to be sitting in the cockpit of his YT-1300 Corellian Transport ship with his co-pilot Chewie, roaming the universe, waiting for his next big adventure, but feels just at home watching cartoons with his kids….