Well, the love for the movie Dredd continues and now, as the chances of a sequel grow smaller and smaller, the fans look to another source for hope.
A new petition has appeared online and is now backed by 2000AD who publish the Judge Dredd comics. The petition calls for Dredd to come back, but in a TV series via a streaming service like Netflix, HBO or Amazon.
This, in our opinion, would be a great move and could give Dredd the scope to develop that world that the movie opened up.
All the details are below. Would you like to see Dredd get the Daredevil/Jessica Jones treatment? Let is know.
You can sign the petition here
We’re calling on NETFLIX, HBO, AMAZON PRIME, and movie companies to give us more DREDD!
With the success of series such as Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and The Man in the High Castle, the clamour of the growing fanbase for more from the incredible world of the 2012 DREDD movie cannot be ignored – we call on TV and movie producers to step up to the plate and give us more, either through a pay-to-view TV series or a new movie!
Sign the petition now, like the campaign Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, watch personal messages of thanks from Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby, and then help spread the word!
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