It looks like Game of Thrones’ Maisie Williams will be a highway man, em, woman, em, person in the new series of Doctor Who.
Images – and a video at the bottom of the page – have leaked of Maisie filming her episode of Who along with current Doctor Peter Capaldi.
Not very much is known about the character except that she’ll probably appear in episodes titled The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived.
Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat recently described williams’ character like so: “She is going to challenge the Doctor in very unexpected ways. This time he might just be out of his depth, and we know Maisie is going to give him exactly the right sort of hell.”
We’re looking forward to seeing Williams around the Doctor and TARDIS; we sort of wish she was a new companion as the dynamic would be great…
thoughts from you guys?
Peter Capaldi and Maisie Williams filming series 9 of Doctor Who
— Bethany (@AllonsyWhovian_) May 5, 2015
Underneath all of that is #GoT #MaisieWilliams on the set of #DoctorWho – just trust us on that…!
— Rob @ Who Wars (@WhoWars) May 4, 2015
Source: The Daily Dot
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