Well, we reported earlier this week that Jenna Coleman was PROBABLY quitting Doctor Who this season and now the actress has confirmed it herself…
On the Radio 1 Breakfast Show, the actress announced: “I have left the Tardis and I’ve filmed my last scenes.”
Just as we predicted… “It has been in the works for a very long time. Steven [Moffat] and I sat down a year ago, a year and a half ago and tried to work out the best place to do it and the best place in which to tell a really good story. So hopefully that’s what we’ve done.
“I think it’s really, really cool. Obviously we’re not going to give away any details but it will happen at some point this season.”
So it’s all done and dusted, apart from the airing of the episodes, her time travelling in time and space is done: “I did get emotional. I was really trying to fight against it but you can’t help it. It’s been my life, really, for the last three, four years. And I just love Peter [Capaldi] so much and the job so much and all the crew.”
We were surprised at how many of you were keen to see her leave the series when we posted the story on our social pages this week, so it looks like many Who fans will be glad to see this change in the series but, personally, it worries me because we know that River Song will appear in the Christmas episode and we’re hearing Clara will already be gone by then… please don’t let River be the new/old companion moving forward.
Or is that just us?
Jenna Coleman will be seen next year in her new ITV series in which she plays the young Queen Victoria.
Doctor Who returns to our screens tonight! (Saturday, Sept 19th)
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