The Mist, directed by Frank Darabont and based on the Stephen King short story, was an effective horror movie with one of the most devastating endings I have ever seen. And now The Weinstein Company’s Dimension Television wants us to revisit it. Weekly.
It seems that King has given the new TV series his blessing and the show will be written by Christian Torpe, creator of the Danish series Ritaand will “tell an original story about a seemingly innocuous mist that seeps into a small town but contains limitless havoc. From psychological terrors to otherworldly creatures, the mist causes the town residents’ darkest demons to appear forcing them to battle the supernatural event and, more importantly, each other.”
So it sounds like it plans on deviating from the story and the movie substantially.
Bob Weinstein said: “The terror and drama in Stephen King’s novella are so vast that we felt serialized television is the best place to explore them in greater depth. With this show, Christian has created a fascinating band of characters and a story with infinite scares.”
As a big fan of King’s work and the movie, I find it hard to believe the series can live up to either, but I’ll certainly be there on the first night to find out.
Source: Deadline
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