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TV REVIEWS: FTN Reviews Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 5: The Perdi

November 21st, 2018 by Todd Black Comments

First off, sorry about missing last weeks review, there were issues with FTN, but as you can see, everything is fine now. And that’s a good thing, because “The Perdi” was a very good episode of the season. I was very curious to find out what the showrunners meant when they said that we would see “more of Freeland”. Tonight, we found out exactly what they meant, because there’s a whole other section of Freeland, and it’s a much darker place.

Turns out, the couple we met last week, Ania and Deacon, were actually part of South Freeland, which is as segregated as things can be in America. According to Ania, Whites and Blacks have been separate since slavery, and it’s considered a “crime” mingle with the other races. So, Ania having a white lover and twins (one white and one black) kind of makes things bad. Oh, and the fact that the woman running the white side of things is a meta from the original Green Light experiences only makes things worse.

While only having limited screen time, I found Looker very intimidating. Her powers may seem simple, and convenient, but they paint a picture, and it’s bad for anyone who gets in her way. Which, naturally, Black Lightning and Thunder did, though not intentionally at first. The fight with the 80’s music was really awesome, and I’m glad that they extended the Looker storyline to another episode, it would’ve felt rushed if they had done anything else.

Meanwhile, Lynn had to deal with the fallout of Dr. Jace’s actions, having to explain that half the kids were dead, which naturally started a bit of a riot. While it was good to see Lynn’s very natural reaction to this, I was very confused by Jennifer’s “help”. How else was her mother supposed to take that? I mean, seriously, how? I’m curious to see where this storyline goes now.

Speaking of Jennifer, here and Kali reconnecting took a big step forward. And Kalil learning that Tobias (not Black Lightning) was the reason he was crippled was a big deal. As was their brutal fight scene. Tobias has grown on me as a villain. His knowledge is very deep, and his skills and style are something to be appreciated. I’m glad he’s still around.

Finally, Gambi! I knew he wasn’t dead, there was no way. Turns out, the only reason he’s not back around is that he wants to find out who tried to kill him. And then promptly take them out. Go Gambi!

In the end, “The Perdi” was an informative, yet fun episode. I look forward to seeing the conclusion.

4.5 out of 5 nerds

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians ( He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!