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TV REVIEWS: FTN Reviews The Flash Season 7 Episode 2: The Speed Of Thought

March 10th, 2021 by Todd Black Comments

After a somewhat rough return last episode, I honestly think that this episode is not just going to be a highlight of the whole season, but a standout episode in the history of the show. As “The Speed Of Thought” brought not just a new power, but a new danger, and could reverberate for the rest of the season.

With Iris, Camille and Singh still trapped in the Mirrorverse, the returning Cisco and Barry sought a way to make a portal to the other plane in order to save everyone. But in a twist, Barry got a new power, one that allowed him “speed thinking”. An ability that even outpaced the brainpower of Cisco. Now, before you think, “Well that’s just weird them bringing this out now”, it’s actually not. Not only did they explain why this happened (more or less, science and all that) but this is an actual power Barry has in the comics, as well as Wally West. Their speed thinking helps them predict things and guide their moves so that they can make the most of literally every second.

But what really sold this episode for me was how they used that new power. Barry basically became a robot. One that would focus on outcomes and not care about emotional responses. Basically, the opposite of who Barry Allen is. And while at first it was “fine” because he clearly had control over it all, as the episode developed it became clear how “cold equations” he got. Including being willing to sacrifice two of his friends in order to “save Iris”…but not out of love, but because she had potentially more information on Eva.

The scenes that came from this were both shocking, horrifying, and awesome. Such as the bringing forth of the “Babel Protocols” (a reference to the Tower of Babel storyline where Batman’s plans for subduing the Justice League fell into the hands of villains and were used against them), the “speed battle” with Killer Frost (don’t think, just accept) and the Quantum Ball finishing move that was just…so epic. And then for him to force Iris out only to see her nearly die as a result and have that be the thing to “snap him out of it” was a nice touch.

There were other nice touches as well throughout the episode. From the “Hall of Fallen Heroes” where you could see remnants of fallen friends like Ronnie, Stein, XS and more. To Eva going fully horror villain by the end, Cecil helping Allegra handle Nash’s loss in the right way, and more.

The only reason I’m not giving it a perfect score was that there were a few things that just fell flat. Like Barry short-circuiting the Artificial Speed Force out of rage (turning it off wouldn’t have worked?) was one because that kind of nullified everything that happened last episode, and the memorial scene. Furthermore, the “shocking reveal” that the OG Harrison Wells may be alive was…I’m not sure what it was, but it felt like a copout as we JUST LOST THE WELLS last episode.

Still, even with those few small impediments, “Speed of Thought” was a very well-done episode that sets up a lot of things. I’m curious to see how it’ll go next episode with all the chips as they lay now.

4.5 out of 5 nerds

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians ( He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!