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COMIC REVIEW: FTN reviews Superman/Wonder Woman #1

October 10th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Written by Charles Soule

Penciler: Tony S. Daniel

Inker: Batt

Colorist: Tomeu Morey

Published by DC Comics

When I first saw the ad for a new Superman & Wonder Woman series, I was extremely apprehensive. I’ve never read an ongoing Wonder Woman series and I’ve been against DC pairing what they’ve dubbed ‘the power couple’ since the New 52 started. Based SOULEy on the ad, there was one thing that made me certain I’d be picking this up…Charles Soule as the writer!

Issue #1 thrusts us directly into the middle of our heroes trying to figure out the cause behind an oddly timed hurricane. With precisely-timed flashbacks, we get a slow build throughout the book to build up doubt about whether or not Supes and WW will be able to work together with their newly kindled relationship. When the chips are down, will they be able to put their relationship drama aside to save the day?

I picked up this book because of Soule, and I’m glad to say, he delivered to the fullest. The use of flashbacks to set up the terms of their relationship was a brilliant move to make the big reveal at the end of the issue pay off. I’ve become a huge fan of his work recently and for very good reasons. With the introduction of this series and his name attached to a couple of yet-to-be-announced Marvel projects, I don’t see the trend changing any time in the near future!

I’ve been a fan of Tony S. Daniel’s art since his early work with Batman. He’s one of those artists that add his own distinct flavor to DC’s ‘house style’ and one of my favorite pages in comics this year comes towards the end of this issue. (Wait for the big reveal and you’ll know which page I mean!) My only slight gripe about the art is on the cover. I don’t know why, but some artists make male heroes overly muscular and it just looks a bit ridiculous to me at times! (I’m just nitpicking though!)

This series started off with a BANG and I can’t help but think we’re just seeing the very tip of the iceberg. Soule does such a fantastic job adding kindling to the fire bit by bit until the big payoff. I was apprehensive at first, but after reading issue #1, this series is a must read!

4.5 out of 5 nerds




I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.