From three of Ireland’s local creative talent – Plot by Robert Curely (Jennifer Wilde, The Black Scorpion, The Crimson Blade) , Script by Mal Coney (Holy Cross, The Darkness), and Art by Stephen Downey (Torchwood, Cancertown, Jeniifer Wilde) – comes a great new historical fiction comic book: ‘Noe, The Savage Boy’ published by Atomic Diner comics.
Noe’s story begins in the village of Baltimore Cork in 1631 in which the entire community is kidnaped by Barbary pirates and brought to Africa as slaves. Noe’s faith lies in the hands a group of clandestine monks who help train him to become a true warrior and overcome his dark fate.
You can get a signed copy of Noe issue #1 , with an exclusive Forbidden Planet cover, in FP Belfast on Saturday Feb 9th and hear an exclusive interview with Stephen Downey on Thursday 24th January on FTN Radio.
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