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The Best Comic Books to Read in a Student’s Life

June 18th, 2021 by James Collins Comments

Educational comic books are a great way to perfect your English. Not only are they interesting but they also provide the right context to learn. In the end, a picture is worth a thousand words. Creating comic books that stick can help students worldwide in multiple ways, which is what makes comic books is so important. Comic books can help students score better on their exams and improve their comprehension abilities. Plus, students will enjoy amazing stories at the same time.

Here are some of the reasons you should read comic books. Then, we’ll explore the best comic books to purchase.

Why Should I Read Comic Books?

Reading comic books is a must if you’re trying to learn a new language. This is your starting point. It will help you greatly in your journey.

  • Comic books inspire you. While watching Netflix can be way easier, reading comic books will help you develop your creative side by working with your imagination. Reading is linked to better cognitive abilities and memory, so you will turn into a smarter student in no time.
  • We are glued to our screens too much each day. Comic books help us expand our entertainment world. If you’re not a huge fan of reading still, comic books are a great place to start. They’ll keep you away from your screen and help you discover a new passion.
  • Your imagination is extremely important in today’s world, where everything is so easy and quick to find. You can use these types of books to expand your imagination even more and develop a better awareness of the stories you’re reading.
  • Believe it or not, comic books are powerful in teaching us about society. They tackle all types of subjects, from history to wars and feminism. You get to pick the subject you like.
  • Most Marvel and DC movies are based on comic books. The more you learn about the characters, the better the movies are. Reading comic books will help you understand the plot, the conflicts, and the characters even better.
  • Sometimes you just need some time away from everything that’s worrying you. A comic book is the best escapism tool for those students who need it. You will enter a dream world that’s carefully crafted and most likely honorable.
  • And the last point – which for me, might be the best one – the artwork you’ll discover here is absolutely stunning. Comic books are art that speaks for itself, literally.

Help for Students with Research Paper

If you’re struggling to finish your research paper, you can always reach out to professional writers to help you write your comic book review. Sometimes, students need external help to get assignments ready to be reviewed, and that is totally okay. Absolutely no shame, you should be proud of thinking about it. You can look up “do the research paper for me” on any search engine of your choice and a list of professional writers will pop up. Your research paper matters, so make sure you put in the time and effort to turn it into something valuable.

What Are the Best Comic Books to Read?

  1. Reading With Pictures: Comics That Make Kids Smarter. This comic book is for beginners, and it’s mostly used for education purposes. You can get the English version and start learning. Topics include fiction, history, science, and American presidents, to say the least.
  2. Diary Of a Wimpy Kid. For beginners, another comic book series that help students with their English practice. The plot follows Greg, an eager student solving problems coming his way.
  3. Calvin and Hobbes. For both beginners and intermediate, this comic book is another comedy piece that follows the interesting lives of Hobbes and Calvin, a toy and a human becoming friends forever.
  4. Garfield. This hilarious comic book is another must-read. It’s for anyone really but it’s labeled intermediate comic book material.
  5. Peanuts. Intermediate level, a humorous comic book about Charlie and his friends. Snoopy’s in it.
  6. Maus. This is a rather sad story for more advanced students. This graphic novel tells the experiences and stories of the victims of Nazis using cartoon symbolism. Good history lesson and sad ending.
  7. Spider-Man. An action comic book series, Spider-Man is one of the most loved stories you’ll encounter. It features a superhero ready to save the world! The message behind it is, with great power comes great responsibility.

Wrapping Up

Reading comic books is exciting and will take you to a whole new dimension! It is the best way to start learning English or any other new language. Good luck!

James Collins is an academic writer and literary critic. James’ job is to help students complete their college assignments and dissertations. In his free time, he writes book reviews, mainly for fantasy novels as it’s his favorite genre.