A couple weeks ago, Marvel teased two upcoming event storylines that will follow in the wake of Original Sin. The first is AXIS, an Avengers/X-Men crossover that sees heroes from both teams unite to battle Red Onslaught and his team of super villains. The second is Time Runs Out, a storyline that sees both Avengers and New Avengers jump forward in time as the threat of a World Incursion looms.
In September, writer Jonathan Hickman jumps the cataclysmic saga he has been building for two years forward to the day of the Final Incursion. Avengers #35 and New Avengers #24, both double-sized issues, will jump eight months into the future where the end game begins. As both series jump ahead in time, they’ll reflect the various changes destined to unfold across the Marvel Universe in those eight months.
Marvel Senior VP – Executive Editor Tom Brevoort:
“In addition to setting the table for the astonishing climax of Jonathan Hickman’s run, we’ll also be providing a glimpse into the immediate future of our characters and what changes await them over the course of the next eight months of publishing. This isn’t some maybe-future; this is the real deal, what’s awaiting the Marvel Universe in the coming year.”
Marvel will most likely have more to say about both AXIS and Time Runs Out, and how both events tie together, in the coming weeks.
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