Everyone step back from the edge of the platform, the remake train is pulling in again!
The latest classic set for the remake treatment is the absolutely bonkers John Woo 1997 action movie, Face/Off starring Nicholas Cage and John Travolta.
Paramount Pictures plans to have a new cast with 22 Jump Street’s Oren Uziel on writing duties.
In the insane original “Travolta played FBI agent Sean Archer, who is obsessed with catching a homicidal sociopath named Castor Troy, who is responsible for killing the fed’s son. The agent undergoes facial transplant surgery and takes the mug of his nemesis so he can be sent to prison to find out a bomb’s whereabouts and stop an attack. The plan goes awry when the bad guy wakes up and takes the face of the FBI agent. Soon, the new-faced Castor visits the agent with the villainous face and takes glee in taunting him, telling him that the face surgeons have been killed, that the good guy is stuck with the face he hates most, and that the villain is going home to bed his wife and take over his home life. It escalates into a series of choreographed action sequences.”
Now, I seem to be the only person in the known world didn’t like Face/Off but I am a big fan of woo’s movies and enough of a fan to recognise this as a movie that many people love and is a very solid product of its time, so I’d rather see new audiences rediscover it than have another soul-less cash grab be churned out.
But hey, what do I know?
Source: Deadline
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