Following on from Sony’s female-centric new Ghostbusters it seems that Fox is considering a female-centric reboot of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Producer John Davis explained that they were “[just] going back to the roots and making it authentic to what the fan base was really excited about. It’s female-centric, which I think is interesting. I love female characters, point-of-view characters in action movies… I think you can always find a fresh way of doing something and going back to the basics.”
The comic, created by writer Alan Moore and illustrator Kevin O’Neill, is a supergroup of literary heroes; the 2003 film, of the same name, focused around the mainly male dominated characters, with Alan Quartemain, the protagonist of King Solomon’s Mines, being the protagonist of this film too. Characters such as Dr Jerkyl, Dorian Gray, Professor Moriarty, the Invisible Man, and Captain Nemo from ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea’ all featured in it. The only main female character was that of Mina Harker, the protagonist from Dracula.
Although that as there are a number of other women featured or mentioned in the comics this reboot could use these female characters in a standalone film. However I’d disagree with this. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen needs character from all over the literary world, not just solely male or female ones. It’s not every day you’d see Dr Jerkyll arguing with Captain Nemo, or even a film where Dorian Gray could potentially be in an argument with Ariel from the Tempest, Sherlock Holmes, Jean Valjean and the Roman Goddess Venus, all of which have appeared at one point or another in the comics.
However, if the female-centric focuses on the main protagonist being female then I have no problem. This is a more likely scenario as in the comics, Wilhelmina “Mina” Murray served as the group’s leader. We’d therefore see the league through her eyes and her thoughts towards it.
Source: i09
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