Last we heard on Gremlins 3 was that original writer Chris Columbus was working on the script (here) and now it seems that that leg of the journey is done with…
Columbus has confirmed that the script is done and that it is a very twisted tale that will deal with the question of wether or not Gizmo himself – from whom all the evil gremlins come – is the problem and could all the madness and mayhem be stopped if he himself was out of the picture: “I think it probably is a good idea to be honest with you,” Columbus says, “Too many people are dying,”
He continues: “I’m really proud of the script; it is as twisted and dark as anything, so we’ll see. It’s always a budgetary conversation when we’re going to shoot it. I wanted to go back to the really twisted sensibility of the first movie. I found that was a very easy place for me to fall back into and start writing again so hopefully we’ll see that movie soon.”
But will the movie ever see light of day? And if so, will it be consumed with Hollywood’s over usage of CGI? Columbus seems adamant that the movie will be done old school… mostly: “Oh, without a doubt, minimal CGI!
“CGI will enable us to remove wires and make the puppeteers lives a little easier. It was brutal. It was like a marathon every night for those guys. In the bar scene alone there were 18 [or] 20 people behind the bar. No one had any space to move. It was just hellish for those guys so CGI will simplify that a little bit but it’s all puppets.”
Well, count us in! It’s well past time that Gizmo and his weird mates/kids were brought into the modern spotlight and with Columbus attached as writer, we have high hopes indeed.
What say you all?
Source: /film
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