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MASSIVE SPOILERS: Casting call for Star Wars: Episode VIII features a surprise returning role…

January 3rd, 2016 by Irwin Fletcher Comments


Spoiler alert for anyone who has not seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens, as in this article, I will be discussing one of the key scenes from the film. Although based on the box-office, it seems that there aren’t many people left who haven’t seen it.

Anyway, with the success of The Force Awakens, Lucasfilm is already turning its attention to the next numerical entry in the franchise, Episode VIII. Recently there has been a leak of the casting call for the film.

While there are some interesting factors about this call, the one thing that everyone will take away from this, is that Han Solo is scheduled to return. Fans of The Force Awakens will be surprised by this piece of news, as he appeared to be definitively killed by Kylo Ren.

While most of the casting is being done through agents in LA and London, a website dedicated to Disney castings has published the casting call for the upcoming film and Ford is on there.

There are already many theories on the Internet as to how Han will return. Personally, I believe that Han is dead, and that Harrison Ford’s return will be in the form of a flashback. However, I have been wrong before. For all we know, maybe Han found some way to cheat death. Regardless, we (surprisingly) do not have long to wait, as Episode VII is out in less than a year and a half. Until then, may the Force be with you.

Source: Independent

I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.