With Neill Blomkamp’s Alien 5 now a real thing, we’re wondering when we can get something solid about the story and it looks like this may be the first bit of solid news…
Talking to Empire Magazine, Blomkamp talked about the movie and its relationship with the ongoing Prometheus movie and how he had to change something in the script because Ridley Scott, while he loves the script, had a few little issues with things that step slightly on the toes of his Prometheus 2: “I changed the one thing [Ridley Scott] felt was bumping Prometheus a little bit.”
He also states that he has a title in mind but can’t reveal it: “It’s kinda quite bold, but it gives away too much if I say the title”.
Curiously, he also drops a hint about where it fits in the timeline of the original movies: “Where it went after Aliens to me, as a fan, was wrong”. The new film will be “the triplet of the first two. There’s a shitload missing as a fan that I would want to see”.
He have no idea where this can come in the original timeline but we’re certainly keen to find out.
Source: Scified
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