Well, this is certainly a first… look, we had issues with Star Wars: The Last Jedi as much as anyone and, sure, we bitched and moaned about it but, this… this is something else.
While we appreciate that many fans loved the movie, we are just hoping that the next instalment will be.. better. We’re certainly not suggesting we remake the movie.
Like, us. Ourselves.
But someone is.
A new Twitter account (@RMTheLastJedi) has been set up and is suggesting that they be allowed to remake the movie by Disney.
Because, you know, Disney will be ok with giving them the money to just remake it and pretend Rian Johnson’s movie never happened. Or something.
You can read the conversation stream below which was going so well until Seth Rogan got involved and then (and only then) the wheels came off somewhat.
We’ve followed these guys because we love to be entertained.
Our team of producers is offering to cover the budget for a remake of The Last Jedi in order to save Star Wars. Share this and spread the word to let @RobertIger & @Disney know you want this! This isn’t a joke, we’re ready to have the convo now! #RemakeTheLastJedi #StarWars
— Remake The Last Jedi (@RMTheLastJedi) June 20, 2018
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