Seriously, we had to check our calendars… it’s not April Fool’s so read on.
It looks like FOX – the good folks behind X-Men and, em, Fantastic Four, have bought the rights to Stan Lee’s life story. And the movie is set to be an action/adventure, spy movie.
No, seriously.
Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey, the producers behind such movies as Twilight, The Maze Runner and the upcoming Power Rangers, are attached to produce what is described as being in the tone of Kingsman: The Secret Service or, as one insider put it, “Roger Moore’s 007.”
Lee has had a fascinating life that no comic fan wouldn’t want to see, from his early days working for his uncle at Timely comics, to the creation of The Fantastic four as his last ditch attempt at a comic book – he co-created it when he was in his 40s.
The movie, from all that we’re hearing, will be very – VERY – loosely based on facts and will be a fun, silly, exciting adventure comedy outing.
We’re not sure what this is exactly or how this is happening but, dammit, we’re all in!
Wait, we just thought… who will play him?!
Source: THR
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