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Posts Tagged ‘J.W. Rinzler’

COMIC REVIEW: FTN reviews The Star Wars #1

September 19th, 2013 by Andrew McCarroll Comments

Though flawed, the potential for a great story is there.

WATCH: Trailer and preview for Dark Horse’s adaptation of George Lucas’ The Star Wars

August 9th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher 1 Comment

The first issue of the eight-issue mini-series is set to be released on September 4, 2013

A preview of the upcoming Star Wars comic based on George Lucas’ original screenplay

May 11th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

It sounded so brilliant, but so crazy, that when it was announced on April 1 it seemed like an April Fool’s joke

Five unseen pics from Return of the Jedi revealed

May 1st, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Where were you when the second Death Star was destroyed?

Concept art for three characters from The Star Wars comic

April 12th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

‘Visually I think it’s a lot closer to Flash Gordon,’ said Dark Horse’s Randy Stradley