Flying solo this week, Stuart does an admirable job of covering the week’s news and reviews…
Posts Tagged ‘predestination’
COMPETITION: Win one of two copies of Predestination on Blu-ray and a limited edition baseball shirt NOW CLOSED
March 27th, 2015 by Marc 1 CommentCOMPETITION: Win one of two copies of the Ethan Hawke sci-fi thriller Predestination on Blu-ray and a ltd ed baseball shirt
LISTEN: Monday Movie Show Podcast (23/02/2015)
February 23rd, 2015 by Marc CommentsSit back, relax and plan out your week’s movies with Stuart and Andy…
WATCH: First seven minutes of time travel movie Predestination here
December 4th, 2014 by Marc CommentsEthan hawke kicks off 2015’s sci-fi output…
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