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Arrow/Flash Crossover and Arrow’s 50th Episode Teased!

September 9th, 2014 by Todd Black Comments

We are only a month away from the premiere of Flash, a day after that is the season premiere of Arrow. Both shows are highly anticipated, especially with the guarantee of the crossover between the two.

Teases have appeared about the crossover via, in which Executive Producer Greg Berlanti says:

“We use a famous Flash villain, actually, in the Arrow episode, and then I would say as much as there is a villain in the Flash one – the first one (“Flash vs. Arrow”) – we’re not deceiving anybody with the title. There will be some real fisticuffs between our heroes.”

But that’s not the only characters that’ll interact in the episodes…

“It’s all the interpersonal stuff, so it’s the real connection…. the deepening friendship between Barry and Oliver is always great. But when you’re getting to write scenes with Cisco and Dig… that’s just a cool scene, you know? And Diggle’s reaction when he sees what The Flash can really do? It’s hysterical and funny.”

Cool huh? But that’s not all! What may get lost in all the hype and hubbub about these shows is that Arrow is quickly approaching a milestone, Episode No.50. A feat that innumerous shows have not made it to. Stephen Amell himself stated to fans at Salt Lake City Comic-Con that:

“Last night, I watched the director’s cut for episode 304 and it was awesome. It is our 50th episode, it is worthy of a 50th episode. It has a scene and a confrontation in it that has literally been 2.5 years in the making.”

The title of the episode in question is called, “The Magician”. Don’t speculate just yet though about the title. It’s already been debunked that it refers to a magical DCU character. Apparently, it refers to Malcolm Merlyn. No doubt the last line Amell said refers to a Merlyn/Al Ghul fight, which we of course all want to see!

Flash premieres on Oct. 7, while Arrow Season 3 premieres on Oct. 8! Be sure to stay tuned for our reviews on them!

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians ( He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!