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TV REVIEWS: FTN Reviews Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 7: Hello No, Dolly!

December 4th, 2018 by Todd Black Comments

Wow, leave it to Legends of Tomorrow to pull the wool over our eyes and turn a simple subplot into a major plot device. “Hell No, Dolly!” May have started out as a regular episode of Legends, but it turned into so much more.

After going to New Orleans to try and find an angry spirit (who happened to be a serial killer named Mike The Spike) possessing a doll, the Legend find themselves in more danger than they realize…and they can blame John Constantine for that.

Personally, I love how they fully embraced John’s Bi nature, which he most definitely is in the comics. And here, we find out that John loved a man named Desmond from New Orleans, and in the future, a demon named Neron got the deed to John’s soul, and to save his own life, and a few others, he had to bind Desmond’s soul to Neron and send him to the underworld. It may sound convoluted, but trust me when I say that this is par for the course with John Constantine.

And this led to John trying anything and everything to save Desmond’s life, and when he did…he broke time. Oops! There are rules for a reason Johnny!

Meanwhile, Ava and Mick had a beef because of Mick keeping the magic book to keep his mystical girlfriend around. Short, but funny. Also, Nate tried to play wingman to Gary (who I still think should die…) and Mona tried to get with a caveman (because why not…) and now none of it matters because time broke.

Like I said, leave it to Legends of Tomorrow to turn some epic from something basic.

4 out of 5 nerds

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians ( He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!