Diablo 3 is not the biggest of games. However, it does have a lot to offer. Diablo 3 is all about the loot and the challenge of killing monsters. The Diablo 3 Strategy Guide from BradyGames has the information you need. The age of the Strategy guide may slowly be dying due to the large amount of free information on the internet, BradyGames will keep trucking along.
The Diablo 3 strategy guide Boasting over 450 pages the Diablo 3 Strategy guide certainly has a lot of content to drill into your minds. This guide is well organized and each section has a specific layout and is easy to read. Character descriptions are detailed and insightful. What makes this guide cool are the character descriptions come with skill descriptions and uses. They even have suggestions on what to use with each other so you have the best synergy.
The actual walkthough contains no maps but that is not much of a deal breaker since the level design in Diablo 3 is very simple. The walkthrough just contains mission information and monster info to give you an idea of what is coming up. The boss guides are what will really help you out. They describe the attack order of the bosses and even recommended skill builds. Considering the bosses are obviously the hardest parts of the game, learning their every move will be beneficial to whoever is playing.
Diablo 3 is all about the loot. While most of the loot is randomly dropped this guide still has something to offer. The end game items and bosses require some extra effort to get to and this guide will give you a step by step way to get there. It also explains the loot drop mechanics, resource management values and how the difficulty/monster level affects your game. All of these are very handy in the hands of a Diablo player.
The book is well constructed and the design is great. If you are not always around the internet or you just want to collect stuff, the Diablo 3 strategy guide is worth your money.
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