Writer: Felipe Smith
Artist: Tradd Moore/Val Staples
Published by Marvel Comics
At the end of last issue, we left Robbie in mid-battle, hoping to win a battle against a drugged-up Grumpy. Surely things got better for him as the fight went on, right?
Well, not really. But hey, you can’t win them all! I’m really enjoying Smith’s just overall characterization of these characters and the setting. Because sometimes the hero doesn’t win, not exactly. And there is always a learning curve. I’m sure I also speak for anyone who’s a fan of this title when I say that I just love the relationship between Robbie and Gabe. It’s adorable and heartwarming, but I think most of all it really keeps Robbie grounded, thinking a lot more about his decision-making than other comic book characters sometimes do.
I’m not normally a big fan of stories that have a lot of different complex parts, but Smith does a great job weaving all the different characters together without the story becoming messy or getting too confusing.
This art style is really growing on me. The first few issues I don’t know how into it I was in some parts, but I don’t think anyone else could visually tell this kind of story properly. And the art is only made even more wonderful by the brilliant color work of Staples.
If that last double-truck was any indication, it’s all about hit the fan in the conclusion of the debut arc for this title.
4.5 out of 5 nerds
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