COMIC REVIEW: FTN reviews Thor: God of Thunder #3

January 18th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

Written by: Jason Aaron
Drawn by Esad Ribic

After three issues, this book continues to impress me. I was never a huge fan of Thor as a solo character and always found him to work better in a team setting but so far I am really digging what the creative team is doing here. It really, really shouldn’t come as a surprise considering I’m a massive fan of writer Jason Aaron but this particular issue has made me really appreciate the contribution of artist Esad Ribic but I’ll talk about that later.

The issue again deals with three eras of Thor’s life (young Thor, present day and old Thor) and his dealings with a being known as Gorr the God Butcher. Aaron again does a magnificent job juggling the three timelines and never at any point did I feel confused or overwhelmed. He again ratchets up the tension as he shows us how dangerous Thor’s adversary is across each era and that Gorr has instilled fear in the God of Thunder from a very young age. There are some really creepy scenes in the book and again it heightens the foreboding nature of the God butcher.

One thing I noticed in particular about the issue is Jason Aaron’s ability to write different genres all within one issue. Thor: God Of Thunder at its heart is a superhero book with fantasy elements mixed in but as I’ve mentioned before, scenes involving the God butcher or his handiwork are pure horror and very unsettling. Most surprising, Aaron shows he can write great humor as well. Several times in the issue I found myself laughing out loud at Thor’s interaction with other characters. It really is testament to his skills as a writer to combine all these in one book and make it work.

What can I say about artist Esad Ribic? His art is breath taking. While reading, I found myself poring over the art and had to stop several times to take it all in. One scene in particular where Thor stands above an icy peak staring at the remains of a gargantuan fallen God is really something to behold. Not only can Ribic draw pages like this, but he has a great way of conveying emotion through characters faces during smaller scenes as well. The humorous and creepy scenes would not be as effective without Ribic’s ability to show the fear and funny expressions on Thor’s face. The artist is a true collaborator and its really making the book something special. Thor: God of thunder for me, is fast becoming a must read book and I look forward to where the creative takes us.

5 out of 5 nerds

I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.